Monday, January 7, 2008

Zoektocht naar sponsoring

Vrijwilligerswerk in combinatie met multiculturele benefiet shows, dit leek me wel wat als overgang tussen het studentenleven en het echte werken. Met een internationale groep zullen we vanaf juli 2008 doorheen 3 continenten en vele landen komen. Aan ieder groepslid wordt gevraagd om sponsors bijeen te zoeken voor de tour. De reiskosten worden betaald door mijn ouders en mezelf. Voor de sponsorbijdrage vraag ik jullie hulp.

Waar gaat deze sponsoring naartoe?
U steunt een groep jonge mensen die zich zes maanden vol overgave op het vrijwilligerswerk storten. In deze periode verblijven we in 20 verschillende steden waar we ons telkens inzetten voor bestaande vrijwilligersprojecten. Daarnaast proberen we zoveel mogelijk andere jongeren warm te maken om zich vrijwillig in te zetten voor hulpbehoevende projecten. Jullie financiële bijdrage aan mijn Up with People reis komt deze initiatieven rechtsreeks ten goede.

Wat houdt deze Up with People uitdaging meer concreet in?
Eén maand showvoorbereiding, waarna we vijf maanden rondtrekken door 20 verschillende steden. Elke week draait rond het vrijwilligerswerk en per stad doen we een grote benefietshow. In het onderstaande bericht worden enkele projectvoorbeelden gegeven. Daaronder vindt u mijn Up with People verhaal tot nu toe.

Hoe kunnen we sponsoren?
Ofwel doet u een vrijwillige bijdrage op de E&G Lifts you Up Party. Ook kan u een storting doen op 776-5911434-60 (mijn ten voordele van UWP reis Joris.

Opmerking: Hieronder wordt alles in het Engels gezet, zodat ook de mensen die ik gaandeweg ontmoet mijn verhaal kunnen volgen. Vanaf juli zullen er op deze webblog geregeld berichten en foto's geplaatst worden over de verschillende projecten en de vele ervaringen. Hier kunnen jullie ook reacties achtergelaten.

Community Work: Project examples

To get an idea of the Up with People voluntary projects, I looked up a few examples of past community projects.

North America – New Orleans

On August 29, 2005, Huricane Katrina came over New Orleans, with destructive results. At this very moment non-tourist areas still have houses and roads that have not been rebuilt. The government has done too little and New Orleans has become very much dependent on help from community workers. Organisations such as New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity try to fill in this need. Up With People provided a group of 90 people who helped to rebuild a playground and housing for children who lost their homes. Housing that will last for a life time. The attention did not only go to rebuilding, but also to the children. The group performed an extra show, handed out awards to each child and spent time with them. Reactions of the children showed that this kind of voluntary work does indeed have an impact on the spirit of this community.

Belgium – Leuven

Koen Van Mechelen built a 4 meter-high statue together with the Up With People-group and with teenagers from three Belgian youth clubs. The statue is called a CosmoGolem, which symbolizes a helper and savior for children in need. Koen Van Mechelen has built a network of wooden giants over the whole world, which stands for the connection between vulnerable people.

All young people can drop their drawings and texts into the Golem, this will guard their dreams. Sister Jeanne Devos, dedicated to children rights in India, tries to help with dialoguing with these young people. The Golem has traveled with the Up with People cast to Chili, to also reunite youngsters.

The cast, accompanied by Jeanne Devos, visited ill children at Gasthuisberg. These young patients also got the chance to send their wishes with the CosmoGolem. To light up their day, a small performance was given.

At the end of the week, Jeanne Devos received the revenue from the benefit show to support her admirable projects in India.

Thailand – Phuket

Several projects are possible in each city, because the group is so large. A smaller project in Phuket was cleaning up a beach that was damaged due to the Tsunami in 2004. After picking up approximately 30 bags of trash, it seemed that no difference was made despite the efforts.
However for the people that live there it does make a difference. When a beach is clean it will hopefully not attract anymore garbage. Perhaps a small project with a small impact, but no less important. Other projects included helping in a local orphanage and simply playing with these children.

America – California

In California a cast worked together with the Stand for Peace Program, which benefits students in the Corcoran Unified School District and Corcoran YMCA after school program. This program teaches youngsters about how to work together, communicate effectively and support tolerance and understanding within their community.

A wide range of projects is undertaken in each city. From housing for a life time to cleaning up garbage on a Tsunami-damaged beach. Every project has a different degree of impact, but every single time people try to make a difference. When someone supports me in going with Up with people, this will result in 6 months of dedicated voluntary work. Every cent goes directly to one of the projects, which can use every extra pair of hands and extra spirit of hope.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Acceptance for Up With People

To give everyone an idea of what I will be doing from July till December, I have tried to summarize my Up With People story. In the last part, I will dicuss the fee and what this amount generates.

At the beginning of November, the organisation Up With People was in Belgium. To be honest, I had never heard about it before then. Because of its unique combination of community work and benefit shows with world cultural elements, it grabbed my attention. The brief behind-the-scene tour provided a lot of typical cliché happy messages, but also a glimpse of an organisation with a unique spirit.

After a couple of google sessions and conversations with other people about the organisation, it became clear to me: "I should just do it". Hopefully I will graduate in June and then there is nothing stopping me to grab this challenging opportunity.

Few weeks after filling in the application, I received the invitation for an interview. Instead of the regular 1 hour interview, it went on for 2,5 hours. Afterwards we even went to a joint informal dinner. Positive interview experience. Already a week later, the good news came: I was one of the lucky members of the July Cast 2008.

Now the hard part comes. Convincing everyone of the ideas behind Up With People. It is fascinating to respond to numerous critical and enthusiastic questions about Up With People. Not always easy, but very interesting to broaden one's vision.
From July onwards, I will be posting messages. All the different projects and experiences will be described, hopefully illustrated with some nice pictures. Feel free to comment on any message or to contact me with questions.